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Did You Know?

  • Radio frequency devices such as radar systems must be licensed with the FCC in order to be operated, imported, or sold in the United States?
  • Intentionally or unintentionally operating or marketing an unlicensed, non compliant radar system is prohibited under the Communications Act of 1934?
  • Penalties for operating, marketing, or importing unlicensed radar systems within the United States can include forfeiture, fines of up to $10,000, or up to one year imprisonment?
Is your system compliant? Ours is. Work Smart, Inc. Exclusively uses US Radar equipment. US Radar is the only company to carry FCC approved radar systems as of February 2002.

Understanding the FCC rules applying to radio frequency devices has never been more important. We'd like to help you understand the basics:

Radar systems utilize multiple radio frequencies over extended areas. These frequencies have the potential to interfere with radio communications of all kinds if certain criteria are not met, as in the case of improperly shielded antennae which result in energy leakage.

Just because a company has been manufacturing, designing, selling, or leasing radar systems for many years doesn't mean their systems are compliant. Many companies have been operating for years with a total disregard for the US Code of Federal Regulations and FCC Rules. There are heavy penalties that can be levied against these companies, and if you own, lease or use their systems, you may incur penalties too.

The penalties imposed upon anyone who knowingly conducts business in violation of the US Code of Federal Regulations can include forfeiture, a fine of up to $10,000 or up to one year in prison or both; these penalties increase with subsequent violations. In some cases, where FCC and/or international radio/wire communications regulations are violated and the United States becomes a party in the case, the person convicted of the violation will be subject to up to $500 for each day during which the offense occurred plus any other penalties that are applicable.

How do you know if a radar system has met the requirements of and has been approved by the FCC? According to the US Code of Federal Regulations, all radio frequency devices must be "properly identified and labeled" as having been authorized by the FCC. If a company claims that their FCC approval is pending or if they are advertising or exhibiting systems without the proper FCC labeling, a special notice is required.

Use us with confidence. Our systems meet all FCC requirements and are properly labeled in accordance with the US Code of Federal Regulations.
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